Avery’s First Prompt Post

There are no random acts. We are all connected. You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.

What do these words mean to me.  I am a Christian raised in a Christian family so naturally I believe that God has a plan for all of us. While from a logical and scientific standpoint it seems extremely unlikely that all actions of every human are interconnected. However, think there little to no events in the world that have no connection. Religion, I believe, is one of the major things that affect all people, almost all wars can be boiled down from some type of religion.

Think of the crusades, this was simple a king believing that it was his holy duty to take back the “Holy Lands.” These times were bloody and filled with nothing but death. Think again to World War 2 and the Holocaust, this was one man thinking that anyone who had different beliefs than him deserved death. You may think this has no affect on you but think to your ancestors, even if they did not fight in the war then they stayed home and worked hard, long hours trying to provide for soldiers and families. On 9/11 you may not have know anyone who was killed or injured on that day, but as a country each and every one of us was affected by the aftermath.

This shows that all things are in someway connected and that every single person should be able to relate to one another in some way.